Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I hav finished a bunch of things recently. The Elizabeth I sweater is finished and looks fabulous. I also finished IK Trellis Lace Scarf which is currently being blocked on my bed. I have quite a few other things in the works, which is no surprise.

As for the sewing, I did get a second style designed for the second show in Boerne. However, I didn't sell anything but got heat stroke and a sunburn instead. I have FINALLY redesigned and cut the waistband on the blue-gold heriingbone pants. I still need to decide how I want to treat the cuffs. Tonight's project, methinks.

Saturday, May 5, 2007


I was laid off from the evil job yesterday. Perfect timing as I now have a ton of time to work on stuff for the shows in Texas.
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The first sample

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Show in Texas

Well, so far, so good. I have been making patterns, and the subsequent samples, for the upcoming shows with Kimmie in Texas. I haven't been this excited about design work in a really long time. I plan on taking some pics, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Elizabeth I

Well, the Elizabeth I sweater is coming along quite nicely. I am knitting the back panel, the rest is finished. I also started seaming the raglan sleeves to the front. I am using this odd seam that ends up resembling a row of purl instead of my normal mattress seam. I am really happy with the way that it's progressing.
Unfortunately, I will have to use some of the other cone of unwashed Harrisville Shetland. I was hoping that I'd be able to get away with the just one. At least I have the other.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

the beginning...

I have decided to start a little blog for myself... with the intention of detailing some adventures in knitting and design. We shall see how this progresses.

So, anyway. I have started a new project today, Elizabeth I from Tudor Roses by Alice Starmore. I am using Harrisville Unwashed in an oatmeal color. It's actually creating some other inspiration as well. I will have to get some sketches done soon so I actually get around to making the patterns and garments.